Referring to one of my favorite songs - Wild Horses by Natasha Bedingfield.
I want to be able to love freely and recklessly and be myself, both without holding back or worrying about the consequences, in the same way that wild horses run free and recklessly, never worrying about where they'll end up or what they're leaving behind.
I want to feel free and confident in my life and with love...
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Soulmates - by Madonna
There's no such thing as the perfect soulmate. If you meet someone and you think they perfect, you better run as fast as you can in the other direction cause your soul mate is the person that pushes all your buttons, pisses you off on a regular basis and makes you face your shit. It's not easy having a good marriage, but you don't want easy. Easy doesn't make you grow. Easy doesn't make you think.
Favorite Nip/Tuck Moment - Great Advise!
"Never give a girl your number.
Always take hers. Keeps you in control.
And no American cars. German, Italian...
or the occasional English.
Treat yourself to a barber-shop shave once a month.
Take a beautiful girl to Florence and eat at Enoteca.
Talk to Marino. He'll take care of you.
Tell him you're my son.
Don't take any crap off anyone.
You're better than that.
Try to be good to people.
Never get too jaded to care.
Remember me."
My Favorite TV Show - Nip/Tuck

If you haven't seen Nip/Tuck ever before, I would strongly suggest starting from the first season. It's an unequaled masterpiece which sadly even the writers of said show themselves haven't been able to duplicate and these were no ordinary two-cent hacks but the geniuses...genii(?)...very smart people who came up with the idea of coke mules smuggling their stash in breast implants.
Nip/Tuck Season 3 now every night on SABC 3 after the 10pm news
Saturday, November 22, 2008
I Dream of You

I am up awake tonight
Wondering what you are up to.
Are you awake too?
Or are you sleeping tight?
If you are asleep
What do you dream off?
I know I dream of you ….
Even when I am awake.
You are in my mind
Never go away
Let me have you near
And dream about you night and day.
Sometimes I wish
I could make everyone disappear
Leave you and me alone.
So I can look into your lovely eyes
Forever day and night
Everyone seems to get what thy want
And I often wonder
Where’s mine?
Michelle - My friend with wings
Summer Poem

the sky’s milk white
my hands around my coffee cup
–my little hands and dirty nails,
the days are longer
and I not quite as strong
as when ice glazed my world.
I count the days in pairs of pantyhose
and I still cross the streets with care
you see, for me it’s still May.
but darling,
there is no consolation,
only ashes from my cigarette,
the stars look burned
the amethyst sunset’s nothing for me.
the world a lonely carousel,
again I’m unprepared.
all I want is stronger flesh,
instead I have a series of
serrations against the wall of myself
and what I feel
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Allure December Issue - Scarlet

At her cover shoot with Tom Munro in New York City, Scarlett Johansson steamed up the set.
But Allure cleverly managed to keep her from overheating under the studio lights—by dressing her in lingerie.
"I always wanted to get married and have kids. I just never had any preconceived idea about what that would be like," says Johansson, who married actor Ryan Reynolds, 32, this past September. "Some girls have envisioned their whole wedding forever. My life seems to be happening naturally." But Johnansson is cooler when asked how she and Reynolds met. "Nobody knows. It's private. It's our story," says the actress.
This Little Piggy Went to Prada

A collection of twenty-one irreverent nursery rhymes, This Little Piggy went to Prada is a delight.
Written by Amy Allen who says that she was inspired to write the book because of her innate inability to “relate to pease pudding and attempts at talking fashion with a gurgling newborn.”
All I know is all I want is one of these:
“I had a little shoe tree nothing would it bear but
Manolo Blahniks and Vintage Tattinger.”
Rumours / Gossip

I read this interesting story about Gossip the other day:
A woman repeated a bit of gossip about a neighbor.
Within a few days the whole community knew the story. The person it concerned was deeply hurt and offended. Later the woman responsible for spreading the rumor learned that it was completely untrue. She was very sorry and went to a wise old sage to find out what she could do to repair the damage.
"Go to the marketplace," he said, "and purchase a chicken, and have it killed. Then on your way home, pluck its feathers and drop them one by one along the road." Although surprised by this advice, the woman did what she was told.
The next day the wise man said, "Now go and collect all those feathers you dropped yesterday and bring them back to me."
The woman followed the same road, but to her dismay, the wind had blown the feathers all away. After searching for hours, she returned with only three in her hand. "You see," said the old sage, "it's easy to drop them, but it's impossible to get them back. So it is with gossip. It doesn't take much to spread a rumor, but once you do, you can never completely undo the wrong."
So what is gossip and why are we so willing to participate in it?
It is a sad truth that people cannot love you for just you, that they are easily persuaded to believe anything, & enjoy participating in the story line of a good bit of gossip.
I think it is a matter of self love actually.
If you don't love yourself, how is it possible to love another human being for who they are?
So anything that people do affects you and threatens you.
There is a saying: "People talk about you and bring you down because they cannot be at the level you are, so they need to bring you down to their level"
I sit here saddened as I think of times when I have been shamed before the ones I love & those who are suppose to know my heart.
Yes, I have cried in secret & died inside to a level of joy & trust I once felt.
If I could change one thing in this world, it would be this...
It is true that some things are better left unsaid.
That you really do need to walk a mile in another mans shoes & that if you haven't got anything nice to say...don't say anything at all.
Spesial vir my pa op sy verjaarsdag
Op 21 November 2008 word my stiefpa 60 jaar oud.
Hy was nog altyd meer 'n pa vir my as my regte pa en baie naby aan my hart.
Die volgende is op hom opgedra:
Toe ek 'n klein dogtertjie was
Het ek geglo in kerse en gras
Feetjies en dwergies wat lag
Aan groen en oranje se vlag
Tog weet ek, ek is nie meer ses
Ek het nou weer groot geword
Agt en twintig op my lewens bord
Ek ken julle in my gebede
Dis waar ek myself kan vind in vrede
Grys het oor Pa se donker hare gekom
Selfs ek het 'n plooi wat my verstom
Maar tog weet ek wat sou ek ooit kon wees
As ek nie Pa gehad het was ek in vrees
Pa is altyd lief vir my
En daarteen sal ek nooit kan stry
Pa en Ma my lewens wysheid het julle my geleer
Om nie altyd te baklei maar om vrede te kies bo seer
Om eendag self 'n ma te wees
En dat mooi dieper le as vlees
Vandag kan ek net dankie se
Vir julle liefde en raad voor my gele
Dankie Pa vir wie jy is
My held so veraltyd beslis
Baie geluk met Pa se 60ste verjaarsdag!
Geniet die dag baie
Al my liefde
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Men are from Mars....

My mom said the only reason men are alive is for lawn care and vehicle maintenance.
Marrying a man is like buying something you've been admiring for a long time in a shop window. You may love it when you get it home, but it doesn't always go with everything in the house.
Don't let a man put anything over on you except an umbrella.
Whether women are better than men I cannot say—but I can say they are certainly no worse.
A guy is a lump like a doughnut. So, first you gotta get rid of all the stuff his mom did to him. And then you gotta get rid of all that macho crap that they pick up from beer commercials. And then there's my personal favorite, the male ego.
You shouldn't be anyone special to me, Your just another guy. you shouldn't lead me on especially if it's a lie, one day it's love the next day it's done, you hurt me to much to be the one
Why did God create men? Because vibrators can't mow the lawn.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Just who will i be?
It just feels like the other day when i was thinking: "What do i want to be when i grow up?" because all my friends seemed sure about their futures. They wanted to be doctors, lawyers, teachers, politicians. Me, I didn’t have a clue.
I hated breaking it to myself, but i am already grown up.
This year it is exactly 10 years since i have matriculated - time certainly passed by quicker than i every could imagine!
My dreams are certainly not over yet, in fact, I just realized that I am still a work in progress and I am writing my next act now.
The past couple of weeks I had to think all over again: “What do I want to be when I am all grown up”
It wasn’t just “WHAT do I want to be when I’m grow up?” It was, “WHO will I be? WHO is the person I want to be? Who is the ME I’ll become? Who am I?”
I have realized that past year or so I have been defined by the work I am doing instead of the life I am living.
I have given 200% of my time to my work and in the process at times stopped living my dream, but who can blame me?
I have been given the opportunity to work for one of the most powerful brands in the world, but I have to ask myself the question – did the brand become too powerful for me?
With a combination of self-deprecation and chutzpah, I can describe myself as the consummate overachiever, a people-pleasing, legacy-carrying, perfection-seeking girl.
A couple of weeks I stood at a function and it suddenly became clear – I am being incarnated as someone I am totally not!
Standing still, I suddenly found the room spinning around me. I was awakened by fake smiles, flashing cameras and reality… this is not the life I intend to live!
I started asking who I am and who are my true friends?
You know, the say: “ Your are the same today than you will be in 5 years from now except for the people with whom you associate with and the books I read.”
I have been associated with many people throughout my life, but only a handful I can call my true friends.
It might seem that all I do is work, attend events, meet fabulous people and live the life, but I am so much more than that.
I wonder how many people know that I love simple things in life – like children, a home cooked meal from my mom, afternoon naps, experiencing new things, ice cream, reading, staying in my PJ’s the whole day in bed, listening, rains, the wonder of spring, crying, laugh until my belly hurts and just being normal – living a no fuzzed life?
I wonder how many people know that my greatest pleasure in life is to be around family and friends and that my biggest dream is to be a mom?
I wonder how many of us invest time in other people? Do you?
Did you know, the best thing you can do for anyone else is improve yourself: what I mean by this is simply this: if you improve yourself and make yourself a better person this will allow you to bring other people up with you and in return make them a better person?
There are most definitely more important things in life to worry about than what to wear next, who to impress best and what has been written about you in the stars.
Tonight I will be worrying about someone very important in my life; tonight I will be saying a prayer for my mom because tomorrow she might stand a chance in facing another big operation.
After my prayers I will be counting my blessings. I will not look at what is not, but at what is and be thankful for all that I have.
I have to ask myself again, who is this person I want to become and how to I want to enrich the lives of others around me?
I want to chase my dream and I want to make my dreams come true – that is the pursuit of happiness
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