Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Some good advice from Stephen Friedman

So having an hour conversation with Mr. Friedman... below were the only words spoken.
Not sure that this has anything to do with the fact that he is a little ocean boy and get as deep as the deepest part of the ocean.... but i guess it was meaningful and educational ......Enjoy
yesterday is history...tomorrow is a mystery...today is a gift
think outside the box...because thats when impossible becomes possible
The best things in life aren’t things.
Never judge the day by the weather.
Speak softly but wear a loud shirt.
Tell the truth because there’s less to remember.
Strive for excellence not perfection.
He who dies with the most toys still dies.
Impossible is nothing.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, and today is a gift.
No Rain No Rainbow
I watch the sunrise as often as I can.
I push oneself to the point of excellence, in what ever I do.
The only person that can make me happy is myself.
I go with the flow at the best of times, it’s about enjoying life, why rush...
Meet new people and hear there stories.
Take pictures, because each photo becomes a memory that doesn't get forgotten.
Life is about choices, you get to make
Listen to music; it’s the language of our sole
Day dream, that’s where you can set your mind free
Friday, July 25, 2008
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The most beautiful thing i ever heard....

"I was the boyfriend who would courier sweets from Europe, I was the boyfriend who would have 1182 euro phone bill just to keep her company when she felt lonely. I was the boyfriend who cared and told her he loved her 200 times a day. I was the boyfriend who did anything he could to see her smile and to make her happy....
Friday, July 18, 2008
Your Love Means Everything - ColdPlay

I slipped away last night
Took me away from sight and the place I know.
All crushed upon my skin
This mess I put you in and the punch i thrown.
It was a strange reaction
for someone like you to remain on side
And in a chain reaction
I was down and calling for a place to hide.
I saw a broken arm
Machines will all break down in the way I know.
Mended and all made clean
I saw up on the screen all the stones I thrown.
It was a strange reaction
for someone like you to remain so sure
And in a chain reaction
I dissolve and break and then away I crawl
Monday, July 14, 2008
Some of the 17 secrets of manhood:

There's a reason why men don't talk. "We don't want women to really know us, because then they'll find out how much we need them"
We all have a dark side. "Everybody, I think, has a dark side in them, so it's fun to explore that side. It's all about figuring out your opponent." -Josh Hartnett
Our biggest fear? Loneliness. "Guys see horror movies; girls see thrillers. Why? It's the smarter scare. Women are more refined. Men just want to see people hit eachother. We spend our whole lives trying to connect, and when we don't know how to or we fail, we feel physical pain -- it's loneliness. It's the fear that we'll be alone forever."
Three things guys wish women learned growing up: "I've seen women endure horrible relationships because of insecurities. Thats not what I want for my daughters, so here's what I will teach them: 1. You're love is precious. Don't give it to someone undeserving. 2. You can't rescue a man: he has to be happy on his own before you can be happy together. 3. And you're not Cinderella, so don't think you need a man to rescue you. -Laird Hamilton
We do communicate - just in our own way. "I know women sometimes think men aren't sensitive enough. You'll never hear girls saying to one another, "You've got a dumpy ass!" Whereas a guy will say to another guy "Dude, looks like you're gaining weight, huh?" But we'll just take it because we don't want to be seen as too sensitive. Guys will say that if you are not busting eachother's balls from time to time, something is wrong with you. We're not mean, just one of the ways we communicate. That, and things like seeing who can go to the bathroom faster." -Dane Cook
We look up to our happily coupled friends. "Women are confusing. So if I'm having girl problems, I'll talk to my friends who are married or in long-term relationships. They'll say "Try to see things from her side." Whereas my single friends are like, "You know what I think would help? We should take a roadtrip to Telluride!" The guys who are quick to say 'get out of that relationship,' are the single ones who have never been IN a serious relationship. They don't want to lose you as a wingman. Those are the guys that want you to go out, party, and chase girls."
If it's love, we go slow. "The few long-term relationships I've been in, I've taken things extremely slowly, to the point where my girlfriends all said, 'I was starting to think you weren't attracted to me.' Then I had to say, 'No, I was so happy to find someone that I get along with, I didn't want to screw it up!" -Luke Wilson
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Friends vs. Lovers
Angie Delivers! Two More Jolie-Pitts Are Born

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's latest joint dropped ahead of schedule.
The supercouple welcomed a son and a daughter Saturday evening at the seaside Fondation Lenval in Nice, the actress' obstetrician has announced.
Twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline were delivered via Cesarian section sometime before 10 p.m.
My Pretoria Outing
On Monday morning i receive a meeting request from Michelle stating: Bulle vs. Cheetahs.
Now look, if you know anything about me, you would know i don’t watch rugby, i don’t even know who most of the rugby players are, which is great for them - one less woman going gaga over them.
I decided oh well, what do i have to loose if i get my passport ready and travel to P-Town?
Getting to the stadium was simple, bar the annoying parking attendants slapping their sticky fingers on our windscreen and the second stop to pick up our tickets.
Luckily we had entrance to private parking at Trademarx cause the streets were jam packed with bakkies, suped up golfs (tints,19" mags, spoilers, the lot) and families of about 20 each loittering around
We eventually arrived at Suite 412 with the assistance of the very helpful security personnel after we got lost wondering around in the North side of the pavilion. There was a large variety of foods available and an open bar, they even got a case of Sarita just for us.
5pm - kick off!! At first, I thought I was going to fall asleep on Emma's shoulder due to the sheer lack of sleep i had the past week. However, I soon found myself getting very much involved in the game, from inside our box while chatting up a storm with the girls - yeah right!
After the match we decided there is no better way than to show off our dance moves on songs from Kurt Darren, Steve Hofmeyer and good old Roxette.
Around 9pm we headed off to Trademarx, which is right next door to Loftus.
Upon entry we were greeted as we were Pretoria's homegrown celebrities (i think it was our matching blue jerseys with our names on it) and we played along stating that we are the retired bulls babes.
After a long night on the dance floor with songs from the 80's, I was all PTA'd out and head was spinning from all the blue steel cocktails we had. Emma and I said our good byes and kissed all the drunkards a sweet dream or two and made our way to my car (which was surprisingly still there after they broke into it and stole everything - except my Parletones CD - thank the lord).
All in all, a splendid day at the rugby and definitely one of the most memorable girls night out i had in a while. It sure beats another Saturday wasted hanging around in Sandton City like some random.
Many thanks to Sister Michelle for inviting us and for making sure we now part of what you call Die Blou Bull Land
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
The Same Mistake....

And so it has to change
The notebook's now in pieces
Words we'll never sing
I know you'll say i've simply jumped the gun
And that they've win
But you can't keep making the same mistakes
You see i've had this thought
It took its time in coming
But now won't be denied
I'd always gone about these things all wrong
But not this song
Coz you can't keep making the same mistakes
No you can't keep making hte same mistakes
Can't jump ship just yet
There's no one at the wheel
Someone has to steer
Get a hold of yourself
Keep your head there's no time to waste
You'll see it soon enough
But all is not forgotten
And now's no time for tears
Coz though that boy has died this one still lives
And now there's life
And a change to make up for all those mistakes
But please don't get me wrong
Coz everything was honest
True and from the heart
There's still the same old hang ups so don't fret
Its not safe yet
And who knows there's always time to screw up again
But maybe we'll be cool
Coz you were made an offer
You could not refuse
You made me come alive and see my face
See my grace
And we grow or do we just haul it around?
Live the Questions
Monday, July 7, 2008

When a GIRL is quiet ... millions of things are running in her mind. When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply. When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering how long you will be around. When a GIRL answers " I'm fine " after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you ... she is wondering why you are lying. When a GIRL lays on your chest ... she is wishing for you to be hers forever. When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered. When a GIRL says " I love you " ... she means it. When a GIRL says " I miss you " ... no one in this world can miss you more than that.
Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .... Find a guy ... who calls you beautiful instead of hot. who calls you back when you hang up on him. who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ... kisses your forehead. Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats. Who holds your hand in front of his friends. Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Who turns to his friends and says, " That's her!! "
Sunday, July 6, 2008
The Vodacom Durban July - 2008
The Vodacom Durban July is known for fillies both equestrian and those fulfilling the obligations of fashion. But i can tell you now, we went for the latter part!
Fashion TV South Africa in conjunction with Peroni run a national competition during the month of May 2008, where a lucky consumer and partner could win a fully expenses paid trip to the Vodacom Durban July if they purchase a Peroni.
A team of 11, included our host Brian Bingham, FTV Cedar Square Owner - Emiliano Casonova, the winner Oliver Morton and FTV Crew: Michelle, Alistair, Costa and myself travelled to Durban on Friday to join South Africa's biggest horse racing event and 60 000 other people too.
The flight to Kzn was fairly quick and we could almost immediately feel the humidity as we flew into the coastal city - off came the fur coats and warm gloves.
We were met at the terminals by a friendly bunch of Durban girls handing out stunning Mango Smoothies to all Joburg visitors!
We were transported to our wonderful hotel - Suncoast Casino & Towers where we unpacked and relaxed for a bit.
Friday night we all went for dinner at the Cape Town Fish Market in Suncoast Hotel, drinks at Cafe Vacca Matta and early in bed to ensure we looked great for our day.
We took our time getting ready... although Michelle and I could not wait to wear our sponsored Pulsate outfits!
At the July, we were shown almost immediately to the Peroni tent by our wonderful hosts and got interviewed by Peroni T.V and Fashion TV.
Well done, Peroni, your tent was breathtakingly beautiful!!!
We filmed in and around the tent for several hours and tried almost everything to overcome the heat that suffocated us all day.
Nothing helped except the Peroni we had..(thank the lord)
Anyway, at around 5pm, Michelle decided that she wanted to watch the Bulls vs The Sharks and....well....it was pretty much a rollercoaster ride from there on out!!
We had no trouble finding a marquee that screened the game - thanks to our earlier introduction to the Shark Magazine tent that played hosts to our wonderful friend Emmanual Castis (kiss kiss)
We decided to make this tent our last stop before we headed over the the Official After Party brought to you by 5FM and Skelter....Many thanks to organizers Gareth and Greg for giving us tickets!
After a couple of Mojitos, Tequilas and snippets from a lady that believed I was a true celebrity, we head over to the DLI Hall....
We had to stand in a que for about 30 minutes - even though we had R1000 tickets! Note FTV Staff also stand in ques....
Never the less, the waiting was worth our while.
Almost immediately we got greeted by 5FM's Gareth Cliff and SABC Presenter Jason Greer, who both were very delighted to see some familiar faces.
It took us a while to find FTV Cedar Square's owner - Emiliano in the Royalty Suite... we did not mind... since we soon realized that some eye batting, R10 notes and the word FTV could almost get us unlimited Sushi all night long :-))
Gareth Cliff ensured that the FTV girls stayed in party mode by giving us non stop tequilas which did not go off too well with the sushi we had which resulted that at 12am we left the craziest after party to head off to dream land.
This was truely one of the most memorable weekends i had in a while.
A special thanks to the following sponsors:
Peroni for sponsoring our entire trip
Pulsate for dressing Michelle and I!
See you all next year!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Some days things unfold in my life in a way that make me wonder why I am so certain that I need to diligently plan and work and try to make things come out right. Oh, I'm not suggesting that planning and working don't sometimes pay off, don't sometimes render hoped-for results. But when you follow the impulse that comes from a deep stillness without the smallest thought or a shadow of an expectation about the outcome and then watch as things effortlessly unfold in a way you would not even have dared imagine, it makes you question all this trying, this dark certainty that everything must be earned or fought for. It makes you consider grace and the blessings of a human life that are ours simply by virtue of being alive. It opens you to the possibility of real surprises. It reminds you of how limited our perspective is, of how we often can't even imagine what is possible as we take a deep breath and plunge into another day, throwing a load of laundry into the dryer and stacking dirty dishes in the sink as we rush to make the morning bus, juggling deadlines at work against parent-teacher interviews, cringing as we vow once again that this will be the last time we pick up fast food or order pizza for dinner.
But sometimes, unexpectedly, a quiet moment finds us and we drop down into the life we have beneath all the rushing and the trying and the endless daily details, sinking into the fertile soil of the sometimes neglected inner life, where the seeds of remembering what matters are planted. What comes from that place when we give it half a chance flowers in our lives and the world, creating unexpected changes in the direction of our journey and offering unanticipated blessings to us and those around us.

This space is between the letters in the word “beauty”
Occupied by what you cannot hold in your heart or your mind
This space…is where life manifests and where words are constructed
A vastness beyond the sound whispered and from time’s ticking clock's obstruction
This Space is still, alive and free
Nothing will ever live out their colorful life there
This space is beyond consciousness
A loving tranquility where no thought can penetrate its existence or disarm its power
Relationships.....life.... men

If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.
If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.
Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.
Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.
Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to be.
Slow is better
Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly happy.
If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as you deserve, then no, you can't be "friends". A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.
Don't settle.
If you feel like he is stringing you along, he probably is. Don't stay because you think it will get better.
The only person you can control in a relationship is you.
Avoid men who have a bunch of children from a bunch of different women. He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?
Always have your own set of friends separate to his.
Maintain boundaries in how a man treats you. If something bothers you, speak up.
Never let a man know everything, he will use it against you later.
You cannot change a mans behaviour. Change comes from within.
Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are ... even if he has more education or a better job.
Don't make him into a quasi-god. He is a man, nothing more nothing less.
Never let a man define who you are.
Never borrow someone elses man.
If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.
A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.
All men are NOT dogs.
You should not be the one doing all the bending ... compromise is a two way street.
You need time to heal between relationships ... there is nothing cute about baggage ... deal with your issues before persuing a new relationship.
You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you ... a relationship consists of two WHOLE individuals ... look for someone complimentary ... not supplementary.
Dating is fun ... even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr Right.
Make him miss you sometimes ... when a man always knows where you are, and you are always available for him - he takes it for granted.
Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man.
Don't fully commit to man who doesn't give you everything that you need. Keep him in your radar.
Scared of being alone is what makes alot of women stay in relationships that are abusive and hurtful: Dr Phil.
If he was attracted to you in the first place, just know that he's not the only one.
Take care of your own heart.
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