There's a reason why men don't talk. "We don't want women to really know us, because then they'll find out how much we need them"
We all have a dark side. "Everybody, I think, has a dark side in them, so it's fun to explore that side. It's all about figuring out your opponent." -Josh Hartnett
Our biggest fear? Loneliness. "Guys see horror movies; girls see thrillers. Why? It's the smarter scare. Women are more refined. Men just want to see people hit eachother. We spend our whole lives trying to connect, and when we don't know how to or we fail, we feel physical pain -- it's loneliness. It's the fear that we'll be alone forever."
Three things guys wish women learned growing up: "I've seen women endure horrible relationships because of insecurities. Thats not what I want for my daughters, so here's what I will teach them: 1. You're love is precious. Don't give it to someone undeserving. 2. You can't rescue a man: he has to be happy on his own before you can be happy together. 3. And you're not Cinderella, so don't think you need a man to rescue you. -Laird Hamilton
We do communicate - just in our own way. "I know women sometimes think men aren't sensitive enough. You'll never hear girls saying to one another, "You've got a dumpy ass!" Whereas a guy will say to another guy "Dude, looks like you're gaining weight, huh?" But we'll just take it because we don't want to be seen as too sensitive. Guys will say that if you are not busting eachother's balls from time to time, something is wrong with you. We're not mean, just one of the ways we communicate. That, and things like seeing who can go to the bathroom faster." -Dane Cook
We look up to our happily coupled friends. "Women are confusing. So if I'm having girl problems, I'll talk to my friends who are married or in long-term relationships. They'll say "Try to see things from her side." Whereas my single friends are like, "You know what I think would help? We should take a roadtrip to Telluride!" The guys who are quick to say 'get out of that relationship,' are the single ones who have never been IN a serious relationship. They don't want to lose you as a wingman. Those are the guys that want you to go out, party, and chase girls."
If it's love, we go slow. "The few long-term relationships I've been in, I've taken things extremely slowly, to the point where my girlfriends all said, 'I was starting to think you weren't attracted to me.' Then I had to say, 'No, I was so happy to find someone that I get along with, I didn't want to screw it up!" -Luke Wilson
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